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female hiker in the mountains

Adventure is calling!

Find your dream job. Live your life. We'll take care of the rest.

At LRS Healthcare, we match skilled travel nurses and allied healthcare professionals to top facilities nationwide. And we do it fast.

We know the healthcare industry never stands still and neither do we. Our team of specialized recruiters will quickly help you find the travel healthcare job you’ve always wanted. And when you do, we’ll be there to support you whenever you need us, every step of the way.


Our relationships with employees last years, not weeks or months.



Called to care. Live to travel.

Find a travel assignment you love, worry-free!

Albuquerque, NM

See what New Mexico has to offer. Find your travel job here.

Albuquerque, NM

See what New Mexico has to offer. Find your travel job here.

Austin, TX

Healthcare travelers love Texas! Browse the hottest jobs today.

Austin, TX

Healthcare travelers love Texas! Browse the hottest jobs today.

Boise, ID

View our open travel jobs in Idaho and discover a new way to live.

Boise, ID

View our open travel jobs in Idaho and discover a new way to live.

Chicago, IL

Big-city dreams? Check out our latest travel opportunities.

Chicago, IL

Big-city dreams? Check out our latest travel opportunities.

Denver, CO

Explore the great outdoors in Colorado! Get started here.

Denver, CO

Explore the great outdoors in Colorado! Get started here.

Des Moines, IA

Experience "Midwest nice" and apply for a travel job in Iowa.

Des Moines, IA

Experience "Midwest nice" and apply for a travel job in Iowa.

Fort Wayne, IN

Love gardens, history, science, and more? Browse jobs in Indiana.

Fort Wayne, IN

Love gardens, history, science, and more? Browse jobs in Indiana.

Greenville, NC

Raise up your career in North Carolina! View open jobs.

Greenville, NC

Raise up your career in North Carolina! View open jobs.

Louisville, KY

Race to a new adventure. Find your dream job in Kentucky.

Louisville, KY

Race to a new adventure. Find your dream job in Kentucky.

New Orleans, LA

Explore the charm of the South. Browse jobs in Louisiana.

New Orleans, LA

Explore the charm of the South. Browse jobs in Louisiana.

Oakland, CA

California dreaming? View our open travel jobs now.

Oakland, CA

California dreaming? View our open travel jobs now.

Phoenix, AZ

Your dream job with a little pizzAZz. Browse jobs.

Phoenix, AZ

Your dream job with a little pizzAZz. Browse jobs.

Portland, ME

Escape to the East Coast. Find your dream job here.

Portland, ME

Escape to the East Coast. Find your dream job here.

Richmond, VA

Explore the charm of the South. Browse jobs in Virginia.

Richmond, VA

Explore the charm of the South. Browse jobs in Virginia.

Savannah, GA

Find your dreamiest travel job in Georgia. Take a look!

Savannah, GA

Find your dreamiest travel job in Georgia. Take a look!

Springfield, MO

View the latest travel opportunities in Missouri.

Springfield, MO

View the latest travel opportunities in Missouri.

Tacoma, WA

Washington is calling! Browse jobs and apply today.

Tacoma, WA

Washington is calling! Browse jobs and apply today.

Tulsa, OK

Kick-start your travel career in Oklahoma! View open jobs.

Tulsa, OK

Kick-start your travel career in Oklahoma! View open jobs.

Browse Jobs by Specialty
dot map of the United States on blue gradient background

Helping others isn't just our passion; it's what we do.

Looking for a reliable healthcare staffing partner? We offer a full suite of staffing services to help you deliver the best patient care.

blue nurses cap icon

Travel Nursing Jobs:

Take the next step in your nursing career. We offer travel nurse opportunities in all 50 states.

blue stethsoscope icon

Travel Allied Healthcare Jobs:

Submit your online application, and we’ll be in touch right away. Once we’ve gotten to know you and matched you to an ideal position, we’ll work together to collect the rest of the details.

medical badge blue icon

Healthcare Staffing Solutions:

Along with your recruiter, you’ll have access to our dedicated operations and traveler experience teams. They help take care of all the details to make your assignment the very best it can be. You won’t go it alone—you can contact us any time, 24/7/365.

male recruiter with headset on a pink gradient background

Why Choose LRS Healthcare?

Your success is our priority. That’s why we make the traveler experience easy, so you can spend more time living your life and caring for your patients. Here are just a few more reasons to travel with us.

pink stop watch icon

Traveler First:

You’re never just a number to us. We take the time to learn about you, including your career goals and desired destinations. Your recruiter will guide you from one assignment to the next and be your advocate throughout your journey with us.

pink hands holding in a circle icon


Submit your online application, and we’ll be in touch right away. Once we’ve gotten to know you and matched you to an ideal position, we’ll work together to collect the rest of the details.

five pink stars in a circle pattern icon

Full Service:

Along with your recruiter, you’ll have access to our dedicated operations and traveler experience teams. They help take care of all the details to make your assignment the very best it can be. You won’t go it alone—you can contact us any time, 24/7/365.

LRS Connect pink circle icon with three dots

Traveler App:

LRS Connect is our job search and employment app designed specifically for healthcare travelers. Start your profile to set up custom job preferences and we’ll notify you (in real time) as soon as your dream job becomes available! When you’re ready, you can apply with ease directly through the app with one simple click!

Travel with LRS Healthcare

Ready to hit the road for your next assignment?