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Travel as a Vascular Technologist

Browse Vascular Tech travel jobs with LRS Healthcare.

a patient being treated by a vascular technician

Traveling with LRS Healthcare as a Vascular Tech

At LRS Healthcare, it’s our job to ensure medical professionals are placed on the best travel Vascular Tech jobs that complement their professional and personal preferences.

The demand for healthcare travelers is not going anywhere. In fact, travelers play a key role in helping facilities stay staffed to provide quality patient care. Healthcare travelers gain experience, skills and are paid to explore the nation while expanding their network. It’s the travel lifestyle many envy.

The demand for healthcare travelers is on the rise. There’s no doubt that travelers play a key role in helping facilities stay staffed to provide quality patient care. Healthcare travelers gain experience, skills and are paid to explore the nation while expanding their network. Adventure and opportunity are knocking, you just need to answer!

female recruiter with headset and a blue gradient background

What to expect

Applying for Travel Vascular Tech Jobs

Ready to get started? Simply browse travel Vascular Tech assignments with LRS Healthcare, then apply for your dream job! We’ll match you with a recruiter who will help you finalize your application, talk specifics, and learn about your preferences (like preferred locations, pay and potential start dates). Once all clinical reviews, background checks and paperwork are completed, you’ll be ready to accept competitive job offers from healthcare facilities in the cities you want to explore.

Download the Complete Checklist for Every New Healthcare Travel Assignment

The Perks

of Traveling as a Vascular Technologist

The perks of being a healthcare traveler include having freedom to choose when and where you want to work. Seeking East Coast or West Coast vibes? Go for it! Looking to temporarily escape to the South? We’ve got you. A healthcare travel assignment will keep you busy and pay you well so you can build the lifestyle you dream about.

It’s important to travel with a trusted staffing agency like LRS Healthcare. We assign you a dedicated team to encourage you and help navigate the travel logistics along the way.

Additional perks include:

With all of this change and excitement, it may take some time to get comfortable in your new job and location. Don’t worry this is expected and your recruiter will be there at every step of your journey!
Learn more about travel opportunities for Imaging Professionals.


Asked Questions

What are the requirements to travel as a Vascular Tech?

01. The basic job qualifications must be met before starting a healthcare travel assignment. This means your licenses and certifications are up to date prior to applying. You may need to obtain an additional license specific to the state in which you plan to work, and your recruiter can help with this! Vascular Tech who has a minimum of 2 years’ of on-the-job experience are more likely to receive an offer from the inquiring facilities.

How do I get started as a travel Vascular Tech?

02. Like we do most things, it’s important to do your research. It’s important to pick a reputable healthcare staffing agency that works with Vascular Tech and has a credible reputation. When you’re confident in taking the plunge, go for it– apply for a job! At LRS Healthcare, our travelers are our #1 priority, and we work tirelessly to ensure we find you the best job for your lifestyle and interests. We’re here for you from the day you apply, through your assignment, and beyond.

How much will I be paid to travel as a Vascular Tech?

03.Pay packages vary by your level of imaging training and experience, as well as the facility and staffing agency. Online marketplaces and job boards that promote weekly pay will promote the compensation before or after taxes and include or exclude travel and housing stipends. All these variables affect your take-home pay and could potentially differ from the number displayed on the job post. For the most accurate compensation information, speak with an LRS Healthcare recruiter so we can review your personalized pay package with you in full transparency, so you know what to expect on each pay stub.

How long are Vascular Tech travel assignments?

04. The average travel Vascular Tech job is 13 weeks (3 months). You’ll have ample time to master new skills, explore the city and meet new people. And don’t worry, if you end up loving the job, you can request an extension.

24/7/365 Benefits

Beyond-Your-Basic Benefits


white icon of a medical insurance cardEnjoy affordable medical, dental, and vision coverage as well as life and disability insurance options. Insurance plans start the first day of your contract. Apply Now!


white icon of a medical insurance cardEnjoy affordable medical, dental, and vision coverage as well as life and disability insurance options. Insurance plans start the first day of your contract. Apply Now!


price cut iconEnjoy our exclusive perks program with discount offers from 700+ merchants! Learn More!Read More


price cut iconEnjoy our exclusive perks program with discount offers from 700+ merchants! Learn More!Read More

Licensure Reimbursement

licensure badge white iconWe’ll cover the cost for new state licenses needed to take an assignment with us. Apply Now!Read More

Licensure Reimbursement

licensure badge white iconWe’ll cover the cost for new state licenses needed to take an assignment with us. Apply Now!Read More

Certification Reimbursement

stack of books white iconLRS Healthcare will pay for any necessary certifications for your travel assignment. Apply Now!Read More

Certification Reimbursement

stack of books white iconLRS Healthcare will pay for any necessary certifications for your travel assignment. Apply Now!Read More


white icon of a bag of moneyTake advantage of our company-matching 401(k) program after one year and become fully vested with your first contribution. Apply Now!Read More


white icon of a bag of moneyTake advantage of our company-matching 401(k) program after one year and become fully vested with your first contribution. Apply Now!Read More

Traveler Experience Team

white icon of suitcasesWe have a team dedicated to coordinating housing and travel logistics for your assignment. Apply Now!Read More

Traveler Experience Team

white icon of suitcasesWe have a team dedicated to coordinating housing and travel logistics for your assignment. Apply Now!Read More

24-Hour Support

white icon of a wall clock 24-hourWe’re here for you whenever you need us, day or night. Your recruiter and our entire team is just a call, text, or email away. Apply Now!Read More

24-Hour Support

white icon of a wall clock 24-hourWe’re here for you whenever you need us, day or night. Your recruiter and our entire team is just a call, text, or email away. Apply Now!Read More

Referral Bonus

white icon of a friend referring a friendRefer a friend to LRS and you’ll earn a $500 referral bonus ($400 LPNs and $300 CNAs) after they complete their first six weeks with us. Refer A Friend!Read More

Referral Bonus

white icon of a friend referring a friendRefer a friend to LRS and you’ll earn a $500 referral bonus ($400 LPNs and $300 CNAs) after they complete their first six weeks with us. Refer A Friend!Read More

LifeWorks EAP

white heart with hands iconGet access to 24/7 online confidential mental and financial assistance through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Apply Now!Read More

LifeWorks EAP

white heart with hands iconGet access to 24/7 online confidential mental and financial assistance through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Apply Now!Read More

Clinical Team

white icon with Q and A thought bubblesSeek advice from our on-site clinical nurses who can relate and help you navigate on-the-job situations, questions, or experiences. Apply Now!Read More

Clinical Team

white icon with Q and A thought bubblesSeek advice from our on-site clinical nurses who can relate and help you navigate on-the-job situations, questions, or experiences. Apply Now!Read More

Healthcare Traveler App

white-connect-iconKick-start your travel career and start your LRS Connect profile today. Sign Up Now!Read More

Healthcare Traveler App

white-connect-iconKick-start your travel career and start your LRS Connect profile today. Sign Up Now!Read More
male recruiter with headset on a pink gradient background

Why Choose LRS Healthcare?

Your success is our priority. That’s why we make the traveler experience easy, so you can spend more time living your life and caring for your patients. Here are just a few more reasons to travel with us.

pink stop watch icon

Traveler First:

You’re never just a number to us. We take the time to learn about you, including your career goals and desired destinations. Your recruiter will guide you from one assignment to the next and be your advocate throughout your journey with us.

pink hands holding in a circle icon


Submit your online application, and we’ll be in touch right away. Once we’ve gotten to know you and matched you to an ideal position, we’ll work together to collect the rest of the details.

five pink stars in a circle pattern icon

Full Service:

Along with your recruiter, you’ll have access to our dedicated operations and traveler experience teams. They help take care of all the details to make your assignment the very best it can be. You won’t go it alone—you can contact us any time, 24/7/365.

LRS Connect pink circle icon with three dots

Traveler App:

LRS Connect is our job search and employment app designed specifically for healthcare travelers. Start your profile to set up custom job preferences and we’ll notify you (in real time) as soon as your dream job becomes available! When you’re ready, you can apply with ease directly through the app with one simple click!

Travel with LRS Healthcare

Ready to hit the road for your next assignment?